Paul Rice Named Resource Manager of the Year for 2020
Paul is the park manager at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and Dagny Johnson Key Largo Hammock Botanical State Park. He was honored with this award for his commitment to the parks’ habitat restoration, protection of natural resources and stewardship of state lands.
“Since 1981 I have been living my dream of protecting and restoring the delicate ecosystem of Florida” said Paul Rice. “ It’s an honor to receive this prestigious award especially since it’s something I’m so passionate about”
The Jim Stevenson Resource Manager of the Year award is given annually, established by Florida Department of Environmental Protection, by proclamation from the Governor and his Cabinet. It is one of the highest environmental honors.
Paul Rice’s interest in preserving the environment began back in grade school on trips to educational programs at local parks and marine centers. He grew up in rural Florida with thousands of acres of natural areas as his playground.
Now Rice likes to see families exploring and relaxing at the park, making memories for the future. He hopes he can instill a passion in future resource managers, so environmental programs are important to him.
“Keeping Florida’s natural areas pristine and available for my child and future generations to enjoy is what drives my passion” said Rice.
Please join us in congratulating our park manager on this accomplishment!